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Revolutionary War Pension Paper Records for NATHANIEL BARRETT Jr of Nelson, NH
SYBIL BARRETT Statements made by family & friends in the Revolutionary War Pension Paper Records for
Son of Nathaniel and Abigail [Searl] BARRETT of Mason, NH
Husband to Mercy [Cummings] ~ Brother to Reuben, Isaac and Sybil Barrett
Revolutionary War Pension Papers, W24627 for Nathaniel Barrett, Jr
[Note: The handwriting in this document is difficult to read in parts and when unreadable it is designated with “—?—“. Transcribed by R. R. Owings.
Also note that much of these papers are printed in the following publication: “Celebration by the Town of Nelson, New Hampshire of the One Hundred and Fifthieth Anniversary of its First Settlement 1767 – 1917 / Sketch of the Early History of the Town to Which is Added the Names and Records of the Pioneer Settlers of Packersfield who had part in the War of the Revolution” by Major-General Simon Goodell Griffin, 1917
These papers are transcribed in three parts: SCROLL DOWN TO READ:
PAGE 1: Papers filed by Mercy Barrett in 1838 and her son John in 1852
PAGE 2: Papers filed by Sybil Barrett
PAGE 3: Papers filed by friends
Papers filed by Mercy Barrett in 1838 and her son John in 1852
“5281, New Hampshire, Concord Mercy Barrett decd. widow of Nathaniel Barrett who died on the …. of NH of the State of NH who was a private in the … commanded by Captain …. of the ….. commanded by ….. in the Revolution for 8 months
Inscribed on the Roll of Concord at the rate of 26 Dollars 66 Cents per annum, to commence the 4th day of March 1831 & —?– Jany 14th 1840.
Certificate of Pension issued the 11th of April, 1854 and —?— [looks like a signature] …. “
PAGE 2 Declaration
In order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress of the 4th July 1836 —-
State of New Hamspshire , Cheshire County
On this twenty [sixth crossed out] seventh day of December AD 1838 personally appeared before me Fredrick Gore Esq Judge of the Probate in afore said County at her dwelling house, Mercy Barrett, a resident of Stoddard in said County, aged ninety one years last January, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the previsions made by the act of Congress passed July 4, 1836
That she is the widow of Nathaniel Barrett who was a soldier in the Revolutionary War ~ and perscived according to the best of her knowledge and belief as follows vir
In the year 1775, eight months, stationed near Boston Massachuttes, went from Milford New Hampshire into said service, was in the New Hampshire troops – and she thinks in Captain Grosbys Company.
She further declares that she was married to the said Nathaniel Barrett on the fourth day of June in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and seventy two in Petersham in the State of Massachuttes, by a Justice of the Peace. That her husband the aforesaid Nathaniel Barrett, did at Nelson in the County of Cheshire aforesaid on the thirteenth day of [November crossed out] October AD eighteeen hundred and twenty eight – and that she has remained a widow ever since that period as wife more fully appears by reference to the proof hinto [?]
PAGE 3 Annexed & that her madiden name was Mercy Cummings.
Mercy X Barrett
Sworn to and subscribed on the day & year above written.
Before Frederick Gore, Judge of Probate I certify that the above declarant is unable to attend Coury by reason of bodily infirmity.
Frederick Gore, Judge of Probate
The word sixth erased and the word seventh interlined to correspond with the fact, & the word November erased & October interlined before signature oath Frederick Gore, Judge of Probate
PAGE 4 List of Children
Hannah Barrett, Daughter of Nathaniel Barrett and Mercy, his wife, was Born July 10th 1773.
Nathaniel Barrett son of Nathaniel Barrett and Mercy his wife was Born July 15th 1775.
Nabby Barrett daughter of Nathaniel Barrett and Mercy his wife was Born Aug 23d 1777
John Barrett son of Nathaniel Barrett and Mercy his wife was Born June 22d 1780
Phineas Barrett son of Nathaniel Barrett and Mercy his wife was Born Dec. 7th 1782
William Barrett son of Nathaniel Barrett and Mercy his wife was Born April 23d 1791
Nelson January 18th 1854
I hereby certify that the above is a true Copy of the Record of the Births of Nathaniel Barretts Children as they stand on the Records of the Town of Nelson.
A true Copy, Attest Chas. H. Whitney (Town Clerk of Nelson)
PAGE 5 State of New Hampshire Cheshire County.
On this sixth day of April in the year of our Lord, Eighteen hundred and fifty two personally appeared before the County of Probate, held this day Record within and for the County of Cheshire, John Barrett, resident of Stoddard in the County of Cheshire and the State of New Hampshire, aged Seventy one years, who being –?– sworn according to law, doth on his Oath, make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provision made by the act of Congress passed July 4, 1836. That he is the only surviving child of Mercy Barrett, widow of Nathaniel Barrett who was a soldier in the war of the Revolution.
That the said Nathaniel Barrett entred the service from the town of Mason, on or about the first of May, 1773 as a private in Captain Orasly’s Company in Col. Reeds Regament and was at the Battle of Bunker Hill, the seventeeth of June and continued in the service about eight months when as honorably discharged.
That in the year 1781 the said Nathniel Barrett enlisted into the service from Mason. In February, 1781 and continued in active service until the close of the war in 1783. That at the time of his discharge, he was in Capt. Issac Fay’s Company in the 7th New Hampshire Regiment.
That he has often heard his father narrate his services and tell of the hardships and [-?-] that he endured while he was in the Service. Also of others that served with him – that those who were knowing the facts are to his best knowledge and belief, dead.
That his mother, Mercy Barrett, applied for a pension [-?-] the act of July 4, 1836 and had her claim suspended from what [-?-] he is unable to state. – That the aforesaid Nathaniel Barrett performed the aforesaid services [-?-] July appears … reference to the Certificate of the Secretary of State of his services as sworn upon the [-?-] now in his office herewith presented.
He further declares that his mother, the said Mercy Barrett was married to Nathaniel Barrett on the fourth day of June year seventeen hundred and seventy two. That Nathaniel Barrett died on the thirteenth day of October in the year Eighteen hundred and twenty eight.
and that Mercy Barrett remained a widow from that period down to the time of her death which was on the fourteenth day of January, AD 1840. As will …?… appears by reference to the proof herto annexed that he is the only surviving child and that he is interested.
[signed] John Barrett
Sworn to and subscribed on the day and year about written before me in open court
Larkin Baker, Judge of Probate for Cheshire County
State of New Hampshire } I George W. Sturtevant Register
Cheshire ss } of Probate for said County herby
certify that the above named Larkin Baker is Judge of Probate of said County and that the Signiture to the above is his true and guenine signiture.
In testimony where of I here to set my hand and the Seal of the Courty of Probate at Keene this
Sixth day of April A.D. 1852 [signed] Geo. W. Sturtevant Regs
Below are statements made by Sybil Barrett in the Revolutionary War Pension papers of Nathaniel Barrett and partly a statement in the file of Joseph Proctor, her 2nd husband. Some of the copies I received from the file were nearly un-readable. I transcribed what I could from them.
I Sybil Proctor of Mason, County of Hillsboro & State of New Hampshire, Eighty six years of age depose and say as follows —
I am the widow of Joseph Proctor, late of Mason forsaid a Revolutionary soldier.
I was about sixteen years old at the close of the War.
My maiden name was Barrett & I had three brothers, Nathaniel, Reuben and Isaac who were in the Revolutionary War.
Nathl enlisted at the commencement of the War for a few months was at the battle of Bunker Hill – he was about this time, being a part of the time at Mason & a part of the time at what is now Milford – in Amherst then. He had married a girl by the name of Mercy Commings two or three years before the war. He married her in Massachusetts somewhere – I am very sure it was at “old Andover” but it might have been at Hatfield or Shrewsberry – he was working in different places in Massachusetts & I can’t tell exactly where he was married but think it was at Andover. He came home not long after he was married.
In a few months after the Bunker Hill fight he came home —
I am now certain that he was in the army again, for I remember that there was a time for a good while that when he came home he came from the army & when he went away he was going to the army. I have also some recollection that when he started for Cambridge at first he started with my other brothers from Mason & that afterwards he started with a company from Amhurst.
I remember also very distinctly conversations that I have heard him have with a Dr. Gray who lived in this town after the War (cannot tell whether he lived here before or not) about a service that they were upon in Ohio during the war. Our army had got nearly starved out and the captains of the different companies picked some men to go and find something to eat, and Nathaniel was taken with others. They had to crosss a large river – had to carry their guns ready to fire much of the way, fearing the Indians. They found some cattle, and when they were driving them to camp and had come to the river it had begun to rain. It was just at night and they did not dare to cross. They had to lay on their guns all night to keep them dry, and in the morning they drove the cattle across and forded the river themselves, carrying their guns as high above their heads as they could to keep them dry. They got the cattle to the army.
I have aften heard him speak of the smoky bread and horse meat they had to eat during the time mentioned above.
Never knew of but two Nathaniel Barretts besides my brother. One was my father, who did not serve at all in the War. – he was a lame man. The other was a young man who came to Mason from Massachusetts sometime after the war. He could not have been in the War unless as —?– or Servant to some officer & then not from Mason. He was too young for a soldier. I never heard of any other Nathaniel Barrett besides these but my nephew at Nelson.
I have been at the house of my brother Nathaniel, both in Milford or Amherst and at Nelson. (Pecker Nelson as we used to call it). was sick there several weeks. I think he lived in Milford three or for years after the war before he removed to Nelson.
He used to make wooden mortars, bowls, trays and other dishes. I have a motar which he brought me from Nelson, made of a knot which he said would last me as long as I lived. He used to bring some on his back, almost everytime he came to Mason. He took a hard way to get a living. I remember his coming once to Mason and having helped a reaping; he took the grain he received for pay upon his shoulder to Nelson.
The bulls ran down a hill, dragging him by a chain which got hitched somehow onto his leg in such a way that a cord was torn out and he was lame always afterwards. His son Nathaniel helped him much.
He had a shock of Palsey when he was doing something to the roof of his house. They said it was hard work to get him down.
His wife was a feable woman, but she outlived him. She is dead now and all the children, but John.
I think the names of his children were Nathaniel, John, Phineas, Hannah and Nabby. I don’t remember the names of the two who died young.
I think he was married at Andover for when I was sick at Nathaniel’s at Nelson a Deacon Ingalls from Andover came there to see his sons & and called to see Mercy in that he might carry back word to her brother at Andover how they lived. — at any event he was married there in these years before the war. Which fact I personnally –?– and distinctly remember.
And I further say that I have no interest in the result of any case where my testimony is to be used as evidence.
Sybil X Proctor
signed AD 1854
Witnessed by Willis Johnson, Justice of the Peace
by James Withee, age 99, of Mason wrote:
“Barrett was in a company that went a great way off, south or west. I remember I have heard him and a Mr. Smith tell afterwards how they were crossing a river on logs and both fell in and Barrett came very near drowning, but Smith kept above the water easily. It was a great way off that he and Smith fell into the water. I think that he (Barrett) was at the battle of Bunker Hill and I know he was in the army after that.” He also states that he knew Nathaniel Barrett in Mason when he was a boy and remembers that the father of this one was also called Nathaniel.
Nathaniel Smith, of Mason, wrote:
“He [Barrett] had connections in Mason and I have often seen him in that town. He used often to bring articles which he had manufactured from wood at Nelson, and I remember I have seen a mortar which he had made from a knot for his sister, Mrs. Baldwin, now Mrs. Proctor.” …. “Have sat by the hour and heard his stories of the war. I recollect this: He was put upon guard one night at a fort from which the sentinel had been piecked off very night for several nights. He put his great coat and hat upon a stake and kept one side of the usual place. He kept his gun cocked and at last there was a flash and a report from the bushes near. He fired where he saw the flash and the next morning a dead Indian was found on the spot. I remember to have heard him speak of being at the Bunker Hill Fight. I have heard him say that some time or other in the war he enlisted for three years. I have always understood that he lived at Mason previous to the war, and during or after the war that his home was a Milford or Amherst, after the war until her removed to Nelson.”
Isaac White of Nelson wrote:
that he knew Nathaniel and Mercy Barrett from his youth, and
“My father was a Revolutionary soldier and I have often heard him and Barrett talk of hardships, trials, and services which they endured. I have heard Nathaniel Barrett say that he was in Captian Isaac Frye’s Company and speak of being in other companies, but I do not remember thename of any officer except Captian Freye. I recollect of hearing Nathaniel Barrett tell a story as follows: That he was in service in war of the Revolution, when with a party of Americans he went onto what I think he called Hog Island for the purpose of stealing horses and cattle in the night time and were about crossing Mystic River when they were alarmed by the British and in the hurry and confusion said Barrett was left a little behind and barely escaped by plunging into the river. He seized a colt by the tail, and by the grace of God and the efforts of the colt he was carried safely across and saved from the enemy. Barrett could not swim. I have heard him relate many other incidents.”
John Wilson of Stoddard…
says he was a neighbor of Nathaniel and Mercy Barrett, and “he further declares that he has often heard the Old Gentleman Nathaniel repeat the story of his services and hardships in the war of the Revolution. That he connot distinctly recollect the names of officers whom he named, but well remembers his saying that he served to the end of the war; that he never heard it doubted among the people. That said Nathaniel ever had the reputation of being a warrior and was so talked of among the boys.”
Moses Day of Nelson ….
says he knew Nathaniel and Mercy Barrett, and their son, John, and daughter, Hannah, and that there were three other sons and one other daughter, all of whom are dead, except John Barrett of Stoddard. “
Relief Barrett of Stoddard
says that her maiden name was Relief Stevens. That she knew Nathaniel Barrett very well and often heard him “tell the story of his services in the War of the Revolution. That he used to say he was in Captain Frye’s Company; that he served until the end of the war and boasted of it. That her father Daniel Stevens was also a soldier and he and Barrett used to recite often; that she used to listen to the tales and distinctly remembers.”
Jonathan Bachelder of Mason
says he knew Nathaniel Barrett, having frequently seen him at Mason “with wooden bowls, trays, etc., which he had made at Nelson and brought from there upon his back.” and that he had the reputation of having been a Revolutionary soldier.
This website is sponsored by
Rhett’s Paper Cranes and Rhett Owings.
It is on the internet to help genealogists and researchers doing research on their family trees. All information on this site should be confirmed by checking with primary records.

This website is part of the
Genealogy and History Project
and the
New Hampshire Hillsborough County genealogy project.